Our small planet still hides precious honey resources.
In some areas beekeepers and bees coexist harmoniously. Bees find significant biodiversity for food and development and beekeepers for healthy swarms, which produce a lot of honey. In France we produce between 10 and 20 kg of honey per beehive, compared to almost 100 kg of honey in these countries protected from pesticides such as Madagascar and Cuba. In these kingdoms for bees, endemic wild species subsist and the mortality rate is very low compared to certain regions of France where it can amount to 50% of the livestock which is made up of farmed bees, of various strains. There are fewer and fewer wild bees in our developed countries.
This great imbalance is mainly due to the use of pesticides which has completely upset the biodiversity of certain countries including France which is one of those which uses the most phytosanitary products in Europe.
We hope that these little kingdoms for bees will be preserved for a long time, thanks to intelligent agriculture that respects our ecosystem.
Map of global neonicotinoid contamination